Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ah September!

I wish I could put yesterday in jar, and let it loose when ever I need it most. It wasn't like I did anything spectacular, in fact I pretty much did nothing. That's the beauty of it. The weather was flawless, the sun was shinning, and there was the most peaceful, cool breeze in the air. I was sitting on a park bench in the dog run and it hit me... September's here.

Yes this revelation was about 20 days overdue, but I've been so busy, being... well busy! I didn't give much attention to the change of season. I didn't have much of a summer. I barely took any time off. I guess subconsciously, I thought I needed no reason to recognize any sort of change. Stupid way to think, subconsciously or not! September is so meaningful, a month deserving celebration, and embracement. It's the season of fresh starts, and new beginnings. The true launch to the new year.

If you haven't taken a moment to greet September, stop what you're doing RIGHT now! Go outside. Close your eyes. Feel the cool breeze. Take a deep breath, and welcome the clean slate.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I like this idea of autumn as a fresh slate. The old wiped away in preparation for the new, as it were. There is something about September which hints at greatness, I think. Something in the lush smell and feel, that chill in the air, the thought-provoking stir of a multitude of breezes. Well put!

rel said...

Thanks for stoppoing by and saying hi.Autumn is my favorite time of year. Perhaps because Sept. is my birth month.

Susan Tidwell said...

Also thanks for stopping by my site! Your take on September is right on, the refreshing cool breeze after a long hot summer is like a new beginning. Happy first day of autumn!

Anonymous said...

so well said my friend. you've totally captured my feelings on the beginning of fall perfectly in your post. i love summer but i adore this time of the year because it makes me feel completely refreshed...the crips cool air invigorates me and makes me feel alive...

Anonymous said...

Is it like Spring? Starting over? perhaps starting a new season is just a change. A fan of Summer, I'd rather extend it, butthe fall activities and change is good. Good perspective!

Anonymous said...

"I wish I could put yesterday in jar, and let it loose when ever I need it most."

What a GREAT line....and idea.