Well it all happened in my dreams. In fact it was the latest installment of a recurring nightmare. The general common thread... me not being able to find my way home! Not to my apartment in Gramercy Park, but to my childhood home on Eleventh Avenue in Monroe Township, New Jersey. The house I grew up in. The house where I lived for 18 years. A place even my parents no longer reside.
So there I was with this random collection of old pals. They were all exactly the way I knew them at the height of our friendships... looks, attitude, age. etc. However, I was the "adult" me. We were all hanging out, playing in the street, as we often did. The next thing I remember we were piling into a car. For a flash here, and a flash there, it seemed as though I was the driver. This kept changing. One second a person from the random crew took to the wheel. The next second it was one of the new people in my life... some good friends... some a strange assortment of acquaintances. Regardless of the person in the driver's seat, we could never seem to get past a certain block! We'd circle, drive down different roads, but no matter what we just couldn't get to Eleventh Avenue. At points we were so frustrated we decided to ditch the car, run the streets, hop fences, and even swim through pools.
This nightmare was so intense, I actually woke up shaking. WTF does it mean?
Sigmund Freud once called dreams the "royal road to . . . the unconscious". How ironic considering my dream was literally a road to nowhere! I've always been fascinated by dreams, and interpreting dreams, so I decided to do a little a little research, and a little soul searching.
I started with the notion that I could never go home again. Seems simple enough. Almost a year ago my parents sold Grossman Headquarters and set up residence in a modern day geezerville. You know one of those 55 plus communities for "active" adults! I guess I haven't fully dealt with the fact that I can never again go to THE place I've always considered home. This theme is pretty obvious, but could my search for my old home be even more symbolic?
According to The Dream Visions Dictionary... A house, apartment, flat, or any place of residence often represents you or your life, even if the dream residence does not resemble your actual residence. The events in the dream residence may represent events in your life. A house can also represent security, comfort, protection, familiarity, or belonging.
I definitely have issues with COMFORT, FAMILIARITY, and BELONGING! This makes so much sense.
Feeling enlightened about this interpretation thus far I moved on to other key parts of the dream. The concept of not being able to find something... and the act of swimming.
Back to The Dream Visions Dictionary... Dreaming that you have lost an item can mean you feel you've lost in your real life whatever that item represents, or that you're afraid of losing it, or that you feel perhaps you've been overlooking it or taking it for granted lately.
Swimming can represent moving forward in your life or trying to achieve a goal (get somewhere in your life), or freedom from your usual limitations.
ALL of this strikes a chord! The lost home and the swimming truly are symbolic to me. I could go on and on, but I'll save these issues for future blogs.
Last night's dream and today's interpretation are the best therapy I've had in a long time. I learned a lot... and I've rediscovered my passion for dream interpretation. Will I actually do anything with what I've learned about myself? Probably not!
Great Read Lee...
This struck a cord with me because I have similar reoccuring nightmares..mine is the same theme. I am at my actual college...I realize I haven't got to class all year and I have a final for the class. I go to the building and I'm tyring to find the classroom since I can't remember where it is...I'm walking around the building searching for what feels like hours to get to the final before it's too late....I never ever make it to the final when I wake up feeling so upset.
For your dream my interpretation is more that you are searching and searching for an answer to something or uncertain about something and you are looking for an answer (at least that's how I always feel after this dream).
I have this dream often but maybe I should analyze when I'm having it to try to see if it's around certain times of my life.
You are too good. Thanks for sending me your blog - very cool. I think nightmares and dreams are gifts...pictures into your mind...the thoughts you won't even accept to be true...until you are forced to face them...like when you're asleep. For me, I mostly NEVER dream or have nightmares... and I wish I did...I know it may sound crazy, but I miss the winows into my life...it's hard to be able to stand on the outside looking in - especially when it's your own life you are looking into. When I do dream, I feel more alive somehow...so be lucky that you have this window of opportunity...analyze...but don't over-analyze...life's too short. LIVE IT!
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